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IT基础设施 劳动和劳动力 托管IT服务 微软Azure

RSM’s managed services team helps professional services firm tap into innovative IT solutions

一家会计公司与其托管服务提供商之间出现了问题, RSM介入解决了长期存在的问题. The engagement continues and, years later, the two firms are still working well together.

这真的是一段手拉手的关系. 随着我们的成长, 随着RSM和管理的IT团队与我们一起成长, 我们要一起沿着这条路走下去.
尼科尔的Amurao, 公司管理人,罗森菲尔德 & Co.

如果这不是最后一根稻草,那也很接近了. “We had horrible issues with our previous IT service provider,” Nicholl Amurao says. “有一些灾难性的失败.”

Amurao是Rosenfield的公司管理人 & Co. 事务所, 提供税务服务的注册会计师事务所, 证明, 保证, 并为利基行业的客户提供咨询服务. 她几年前就这么说了, Rosenfield’s IT service provider had the firm reliant on a single on-premises server that supported multiple offices. 服务器硬盘故障, and the company lost access to the server right before a critical deadline. Often, when there were system issues, Amurao would need to drive into the office at 3 a.m. 在周日按下服务器或防火墙的重置按钮. Amurao说,罗森菲尔德的IT环境今天已经大不相同了.

“现在, 我可以打电话给别人说, “我们有麻烦了,’他们会说, “我们会远程控制并解决这个问题, 一切都会好的,’”Amurao说. Rosenfield no longer deals with the IT provider that gave Amurao headaches. That’s because eight years ago, Rosenfield hired RSM US LLP to upgrade its IT system. The engagement is still thriving today because of the strong bond between the two teams.


罗森菲尔德在美国五个国家设有办事处.S. 并在国际上运作. 该公司是RSM美国联盟的成员, 哪个是独立会计的从属关系, 咨询, 专业服务公司. Amurao says that Rosenfield has always been interested in using 技术 to enhance efficiencies. 例如, 该公司早在20多年前就接受了远程办公, 早在疫情迫使其他公司争相寻找解决方案之前.

“回到那些早期的日子, our staff carried around little transmitters that they plugged into the wall to give them internet on their very old brick laptops,Amurao说. “So, our leadership is super forward-thinking and comes up with what appear to be wild and crazy ideas, 我们寻找一种方法来实现它. Our motto is, ‘If it’s broke, fix it, and if it’s great, break it and make it better.’”

As such, when RSM’s managed services team began work, it found a receptive environment. Among RSM’s top priorities was bolstering the efficiency of Rosenfield’s IT environment while ensuring that the platform was secure and available to its staff. 这涉及到公司设备的更新和标准化, 以及开发最佳实践程序.

不久之后,RSM帮助Rosenfield过渡到微软Azure云. 这有助于该公司的员工在世界任何地方工作, which was essential for an organization that was growing rapidly and dealing with more complex data.

“We had been processing the data for our accounting software through our laptops, which was becoming seriously ineffective as we started dealing with more complicated projects and larger clients, 这会带来更多的数据,Amurao说. “我们需要继续前进.”

随着罗森菲尔德技术的进步, 随着组织需求的发展, RSM adjusted its approach and worked with the company to build an IT road map for the future. Amurao says that the long-standing goal is to ensure that Rosenfield is technologically advanced, which not only increases the company’s productivity but serves as a value-added differentiator for its clients.


Rosenfield’s affinity for technological solutions and remote working paid off when the pandemic began. The fact that much of the staff had long been telecommuting made the office shutdowns less painful, 当然, 如此重大的转变仍然需要敏捷的思维.

“当COVID来袭时, 我们已经准备好成为一家虚拟公司, 但我们没有准备好要移动这么多数据, 而内存增加了这个要求,Amurao说. “所以RSM与我们合作,我们制定了一个计划. 因此,我们从来没有跳过一个节拍. And if we didn’t have such a good RSM team supporting us, we really could have had some issues. 但是我们的服务没有任何问题.”

尽管罗森菲尔德已经重新开张了, the benefits of its pandemic solutions still cascade throughout the organization. 工作人员可以继续远程办公, 现在公司所有的处理都在虚拟服务器上完成.

“If our employees want to work remotely, they can just log in from a portal,Amurao说. “你可以在家里访问数据, 或者在野外, 通过登录到任何设备并在虚拟桌面中工作.”

RSM also maintains the company’s help desk, which Amurao says is crucial for day-to-day operations. 除了, RSM致力于创建多因素身份验证, 有条件的访问, 并为罗森菲尔德的IT平台提供额外的安全保障. 未来的努力包括建立一个面向客户的门户.

“The portal will be different than the dashboards that other firms are offering, RSM会帮助我们完成这个项目,Amurao说. “所以基本上是向前和向上.”


RSM的影响并不局限于罗森菲尔德的虚拟环境. The two teams are focused on establishing Rosenfield’s new office in Texas.

“We have built three offices in the time that we’ve been working with RSM,Amurao说. “每次, 我们在现场, 亲自协助建造办公室, 网络功能, 和安装, making sure everything is set up in the best possible environment and that each office is connected, instead of everybody being on a different system that no one can figure out.”

德州办事处, Amurao定期与RSM会面,讨论网络和电力需求, 以及硬件和软件的要求. Amurao says the two teams have established a solid working relationship based on open communication, 结果就是, 他们很乐意紧密合作.

Amurao says that Rosenfield has plans to open more offices, most likely in the Washington, D.C.并专注于有机增长. 她补充说,RSM将继续是公司努力的关键部分.

“There’s been a lot of communication with RSM about our future plans,Amurao说. “这真的是一种手拉手的关系. 随着我们的成长, 随着RSM和管理的IT团队与我们一起成长, 我们要一起沿着这条路走下去.”


RSM拥有完善的财务管理服务, 技术, and security solutions across the spectrum of business and professional companies to meet your needs.
