
The battle for retention: What do workers want?

New survey data details exactly what employees want from employers.



Most employees are proud of where they work—77% at middle market companies and 75% at larger orgs

But 37% of middle market workers are considering applying elsewhere and 15% are actively applying

Employees seek new jobs due to salary and 好处, but also knowledge, skills and opportunity

Middle market employees are also significantly more likely to want more flexibility

人力资本 管理咨询 补偿 & 好处
业务优化 营业税 商业策略 劳动和劳动力

面临创纪录的低失业率, 中端vwin娱乐场官方公司更加重视在频繁变化的时代留住员工和建立连续性. 随着许多组织采用远程和混合工作模式,疫情已经改变了现代工作场所——也许是永久性的. 随着悄悄辞职和“大辞职”等趋势在北美各地的人事部门造成动荡和压力, keeping existing employees on the rolls has never been more important.

今年早些时候, an RSM Middle Market Business Index special report 考察大流行如何改变中间vwin娱乐场官方的工作场所,以及雇主如何调整业务结构以应对疫情. 然而, with the balance of power shifting from employer to employee, more perspective was needed from employees. 在回应, RSM conducted an online survey in the fall of 2022 of over 4,000 workers in both the 美国 and Canada, split between middle market and large organizations. 由此得出的数据可以让我们更深入地了解员工对当前雇主的感受, their role in the workplace and what factors could build greater satisfaction moving forward.

Many proud employees, but several looking elsewhere

调查显示,与大型企业的员工(78%)相比,更多的美国中型企业员工(83%)对自己的工作感到自豪。, 而在vwin德赢娱乐中型vwin娱乐场官方和大型企业中,约有四分之三的员工(77%和75%)对自己的工作场所感到自豪, 分别). 然而, despite the level of pride in their organizations, middle market employees have greater retention risks.

疫情环境迫使许多公司采用更灵活的工作环境,数据显示,许多员工希望继续保持这种灵活性. 事实上,U.S. 中等vwin娱乐场官方的员工比大型企业的员工更希望自己有更大的灵活性来设定自己的工作时间和日程安排(62% vs. 56%). vwin德赢娱乐的趋势也类似, 64%的中型企业员工希望获得更大的灵活性,而在大企业,这一比例为57%.

此外,U.S. 中型vwin娱乐场官方的员工比大型企业的员工更有可能积极申请公司外的新职位(26% vs . 10%). 14%). 在中型vwin娱乐场官方和大型企业工作的vwin德赢娱乐员工中,有相当多的人表示积极申请公司以外的工作(15% vs.13%).

Compared to counterparts at larger companies, U.S. 中端vwin娱乐场官方的员工还表示,找一份新工作比要求加薪更容易(54% vs. 47%).

“Instead of waiting for your employees to ask you for a raise or a promotion, you can ask them what they need to stay at your company and grow,玛尼·罗森评论道, RSM的人力资本咨询主管. “People will generally tell you what they're looking for, 甚至开启这种对话,让人们知道有什么机会,都是向前迈出的积极一步.”

Instead of waiting for your employees to ask you for a raise or a promotion, you can ask them what they need to stay at your company and grow. People will generally tell you what they're looking for, 甚至开启这种对话,让人们知道有什么机会,都是向前迈出的积极一步.
Marni Rozen, Human Capital Consulting Leader, RSM US LLP


While the current environment for talent retention can seem daunting, 中等vwin娱乐场官方的公司可以做出必要的调整,以满足员工在工作场所寻找的许多功能.

不足为奇的是, among those who are actively looking for a new position, 薪水和福利是最重要的话题, 根据定性数据. And while many companies initially responded to staffing shortages by increasing compensation, 这可能并不总是最好的回应.

“While compensation is obviously important, it is often not the most critical thing,” said Rozen. “这并不一定能解决我们看到的员工可能认为更重要的其他问题, such as flexibility and more autonomy over their schedules.”

In addition, increasing compensation is not always possible. 但幸运的是, many of the additional characteristics employees want in the workplace are not tied to finances, 而是职业发展. 例如, 根据定性数据, knowledge/skills/opportunity is also a leading theme for U.S. and Canadian middle market employees who are actively evaluating new opportunities.

“From a tactical and people perspective, focusing on career development is a win-win,” said Rozen. “Closing any potential skill gaps is important from a business perspective, but overall development is also what people are seeking. I think people would stay at an organization when they see opportunity ahead of them, 他们觉得自己是在为某样东西而工作,他们看到一家中型vwin娱乐场官方公司在投资他们.”

进一步, middle market employees were asked about what they have versus what they want at their current job. 在美国和vwin德赢娱乐都有, 最大的差距是高于vwin娱乐场官方的薪酬和激励薪酬安排. 然而,在这些差距之下的是美国.S. middle market workers were defined career paths and equity/share ownership.

When asked about the elements of an ideal job, 美国和vwin德赢娱乐的中间vwin娱乐场官方工作者再次普遍同意什么是最重要的. Employees in both countries believe that work-life balance, 上级/老板的支持, 令人满意的工作和晋升的潜力是理想职位最关键的因素. 关注或扩展任何或所有这些特征为中型vwin娱乐场官方组织在员工中脱颖而出并提高满意度提供了一个关键机会.

“These opportunities don't have to be things that have a large dollar cost,安妮·布什曼说, RSM leader of compensation and 好处 in RSM’s Washington National Tax practice. “调查显示,你的员工可能在寻找许多不纯粹是财务方面的东西. There's a way to build loyalty through items that are not necessarily all that expensive.”


为了保持中端vwin娱乐场官方员工的参与度和满意度,可能需要对业务进行持续的更改, and therefore encourage more of them to stay with their current company. 但在很多情况下, 仔细规划是必要的,以确保新的流程和策略与总体业务目标和任何潜在的遵从性需求保持一致.

例如, Bushman detailed how taxes could be a compliance concern for any new employee retention strategies. “你需要确保你没有无意中增加你不知道的税收成本,”她说。. “当你做一些完全不同的事情时,尤其是涉及到薪酬或福利时,你想要对潜在的成本和税收要求睁大眼睛. 这可能会影响你的决定,也可能不会,但这是你必须事先考虑的另一件事.”


当被问及理想的工作时, middle market employees cited the following aspects as most critical, 最重要的:








In today’s competitive labour environment, the 保留员工的重要性 is unlikely to subside in the near future. Employees have more options than ever before, 但留住高绩效员工总是比尝试招聘新员工成本更低,破坏性也更小.

“You need to listen to the workforce because it’s such a big asset for your company. 你需要了解变化对劳动力的影响,以及(员工)想要什么,否则, you may not get that bang for your buck that you're expecting,布什曼说. “我认为,如果你真正倾听并做出相应的回应,就有机会吸引和留住人才.”


Data were collected by Big Village on behalf of RSM. 一项在线调查在美国和vwin德赢娱乐向18岁及以上的成年人分发,他们至少有一份工作. 数据收集从9月11日开始. 23日至10月. 6, 2022. 最终的样本量为2017年.S. vwin德赢娱乐是2015年.

Big Village is a global advertising, technology, and data company. 由我们多元化的专家团队推动, we provide a new way of working by bringing programmatic solutions, 媒体, 的见解, 创意都在一个屋檐下. Big Village is headquartered in New York and has 12 offices across 北美, 欧洲, 和澳大利亚. 欲知详情,请浏览



Perspectives for managing middle market labour and talent challenges

To navigate an increasingly complex talent environment, middle market companies need to stay ahead of the trends affecting labour and workforce.